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Fit Couple Members Profile

Posted in Healthy Lifestyle , on April 27, 2019 0 comments


Healthy heart X Two

5 Reasons Why Couples Who Sweat Together, Stay Together

Many research studies have shown the clear benefits associated with working out with your partner.

Psychology Today Canada lists the 5 top reasons why a Healthy Heart X Two is key!

Increase your happiness with your relationship. 

Improve the efficiency of your workouts.

Make your partner fall in love with you.

Help you achieve your fitness goals.

Increase your emotional bond.

SHRED905 and Healthy Heart X 2

At Shred905 our small and intimate class sizes promote all the above. Not only does your exercise partner help boost motivation and overall performance, but a sense of healthy competition can exist as well! After all where else can you give constant feedback?! Our ‘boutique style feel’ and close proximity to your partner during training allow partners to truly connect during their workouts - focusing on motivating and pushing one another, providing that necessary feedback during performance and also creating that bit of friendly competition - not to mention sneaking a peek in while your partner is all sweaty and breathless! 

This months SHRED member profile focuses on Fit Couple Ariana and David. They have both been members at SHRED for over a year. Their fitness goals range from weight loss to strengthening to overall healthiness. They have been so committed to reaching their ‘Fit’ goals together and they have proven that the power of two on the gym floor is definitely fierce!

We asked Ariana and David a few questions about their journey as a Fit Couple:

1.    Why have you chosen to embark on a fitness journey together as a couple verses individually?

We have always worked out together because we help motivate each other. It's a lot easier to push yourself to go to a class when you have your best friend joining you. It's also a way for us to spend time together since our work schedules are so busy during the week. 

2.    How has working out together allowed you to get closer to your fitness goals?

We are able to hold each other accountable and push each other to our own personal limits. 

3.    What is the biggest motivating factor for you to work out together as a couple?

A- Seeing the progress that we have made since joining Shred keeps us coming back for more.

D- Also, seeing my wife dripping sweat is always a pleasure! ;)

4.    What is the hardest part of working out together?

We genuinely enjoy working out together, but if we had to answer, the hardest thing about working out together is getting through all of the extra loads of dirty laundry after attending 3+ Shred classes a week. 

5.    What do you love most about working out together?

A- Working out with David had introduced me to different kinds of physical activities/ classes that I may not necessarily have tried on my own. Since we have always been on this journey together, it kind of turns each class into a friendly competition. 

D- It's great working out with Ariana because it feels like I have my own personal cheerleader in each class. She's great at pushing me to work harder, especially in our partner workouts. 

6.    How has SHRED905 helped facilitate reaching Fitness Couple Goals?

Shred905's intimate class sizes and knowledgeable instructors have helped us reach our fitness goals over the past year. We've been able to improve our techniques and increase our endurance. We've noticed such a difference from the first day we stepped into Shred905 and this is what keeps us coming back. 

7.    What is your best piece of advice to a couple considering a fitness journey together?

Sit with your partner and establish your goals before starting on your fitness journey. It feels great to have someone in your corner who is encouraging you to be the best you can be. Also remember life has obstacles to block you from reaching your goals, so you need to be there for your partner to push them and get them back on track

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